You are currently browsing the monthly archive for November 2007.

Ah.. a blank canvas. An empty space. Freedom to roam. Devoid of anyone, akin to a desert.

Everyone wants something fresh. Once they find it, they’d want more. Then a little bit more again. Some might get addicted, almost bathing themselves in it.

After some time, it’ll get stale. Same old, same old. They will discover something fresh again, and forget about the stale. Thrown away and put to the back of the head, until they need it again.

Nowadays it’s worse. Everyone wants something fresh.. whenever they want it. No one takes the time to understand how things are actually supposed to work. They just want to satisfy their selfish selves. Gone are the old values of simplicity, contentment, perseverance with the old.

Some of us are profiting off it. Supply to meet the demand. If you don’t make me happy, I’ll simply find it somewhere else. Everything is elaborated, dramatized, seeking attention to meet the irrepressible hunger for something fresher all the time.


Sorry at running out on you guys last time. If you didn’t already know, you should know that I am an expert on that. There was so much to be said, yet couldn’t find the right moment to put it down. In the end.. lazy la.. a little discouraged by how things were incomplete =.=

pix from pizdaus

I don’t know who’d come here and read this. A big thanks to the ppl who bothered about this space*perasan* >< I guess I will try updating a lil for you all.

The truth is, I came back to rant šŸ˜›

I’ve got Fountains of Wayne’s Stink To The Bottom playing in my head. Furiously.

I want to sink to the bottom with you..

Everyone’s talking about themselves. They don’t even bother about what I am saying, no less what I am really thinking/feeling.

I want to sink to the bottom with you..

I can’t stop losing, and my heart can’t stop aching from that. It keeps running in my head.. WHY? What happened? Was any of it my fault? What could have I done better?

The ocean is big and blue..

I also feel so lazy.. feeling sick of some things I can’t change. Things which (again) have gone wrong at the wrong time =.= ZZZZzzzzzzzzzzzzz..

I just want to sink to the bottom with you..

Ahhh! It’s late again!! Hope I don’t fall asleep at KT tomorrow. SHY!

I just wanna!!


Out on the highway

Up in the air

Everyone else

Is going somewhere

But Iā€™m going nowhere

Getting there too

I might as well

Just sink down with you

ti ti ti ti …

RSS sky – lfc

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RSS guillem balague rumours

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