Lesbian kiss photo riles Singapore 😯

My Malaysia – cartoons by Seow – Very thoughtfully drawn. Superbly done.

http://malaysia.recruit.net/ – Great job search site!

Not that I am looking for a job now. My soul is still owned by the company for another year and two days. Well I am glad to be in the thick of the action. Grateful to be granted opportunities and possibilities.

However they are what Rafa says they are.. just possibilities. Nothing is concrete yet. Training? Traveling? Who knows?

Everyone wants to go places. Everybody is talking about getting that dream salary. Yet they never get enough of it. They still chase that ever elusive dream.

Then what are they going to use the money for anyway? Let me guess.. get more money?

They were talking about investments during lunch that day. Those who have spare change will invest to earn more money to invest to earn more money to invest to earn more money …

What will they do with all that money at the end of the day?

Maybe there are others who need the money more than they do. But that’s another story..

If I a bit of money to spend, I will make sure I get a world class toilet. Why not spend more money on the place most of the thinking in the house is done? Muzak is a must 😀

Oh here’s a mad person chasing her 50K.. all the best!